Friday, 23 November 2012

Back in the saddle and raring to go!

So here I am, with a lump the size of half an egg still on my arm after being savaged by a horse, but it hasn't stopped me at all. I was told by all and sundry that from now on I would be scared of horses, would never be comfortable again around them etc etc etc

However, nothing of the sort. I won't go near the horse that attacked me, not from fear, but because I really don't want to be bitten again, which reaction seems entirely sensible to me. But with all the other horses, nothing has changed and I am making up for lost time (while I had no left arm to speak of). 

Since my last post the pony games season has started and I am delighted to report that our team of seniors (all over 40, all mums of younger riders) - "Les Incroyables" won our first competition. It was a crazy day, with high winds and gusts of 90kmp. The horses spent a lovely time jumping around in pretend fear of other ponies, bending poles, trees and everything else. 

Between my daughter and I we now have competitions every sunday between now and Christmas, two pony games, one dressage and one jumping. 

Woo hoo!

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